Wednesday, November 17, 2010

GeoCam new app ideas for 2011

In the coming year, the GeoCam Project will develop several small apps instead of one big app.  Here are some ideas for new apps we might create in 2011.  We'd love to hear your ideas!

App 1: Group coordination.  Monitor team member positions, send geotagged messages, receive geo alerts when somebody enters a danger zone.

App 2: Search coverage heat map.  Initialize a heat map of likely victim locations from sources like Google Local business locations and USGS earthquake intensity.  Any search group, from government to an NGO or CERT team, can contribute to the map, or enter its location and skill level to learn what area it should cover to best serve the coordinated effort.

App 3: Community health and safety forum.  People at the disaster scene post questions or problems by text message.  Anyone can help, by answering a question, translating a request, extracting a place name so the request shows up on a map, classifying what help is needed, or flagging the request for urgent assistance.